

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Yeah well.....Seattle

It has been some time since I've kept up regular posts here. Life has a funny little way of getting busy at times, and while I do miss the community this has made me a part of, I just don't have the time and space right now to be an everyday-blogger.

Let's put it this way - I'm in school full time, when I'm not in classes I'm studying, when I'm not studying, I'm working, when I'm not working I'm working out. I went to see a trainer and am now on a routine work out. What little left over time I do have in a day I am eating or sleeping. Or, just plain ole' resting my brain.

Things get busier. This week I'm taking my mid-terms early. Why you may ask? I'm heading to Seattle (it's school related) on Thursday.

I'll be sure to post photos, and if I get a moment I'll try to post some more interesting stuffs.

1 comment:

  1. well, that is definitely not a schedule i could keep up with, so kudos to you. hope you enjoy seattle!

    Chic on the Cheap
